Welcome to Rapid-Racer.com, the home for all your performance car tuning knowledge and hopefully a useful resource for anybody with a passion for anything automotive. We want to help inform you of the different performance car upgrades applications in the world of MotorSport and for Fast Road use- also any Automotive technologies and with possible Pro's and Con's .
We strive to keep the information here up to date and make sure you are aware of the latest Innovations. I hope this site is of interest and If you any suggestions for new articles and features please get in touch on the contact us page.

Tuning Up a Car?
Weather you have just started out in the world of all things automotive or have had a passion for custom car tuning for some time, we aim to run through some of the technologies used and performance impact they can have on your vehicle.
Car styling is not really covered in our pages as we concentrate on pure performance upgrades, where form is derived from function. So no bling bling here, "all show and no go" is not the Rapid-Racer way.
We will delve into multiple Motorsport and fast road applications, in areas such as aerodynamics, engines and suspension systems- but also other areas needed for a overall performance package. Each discipline of racing or desired car tune has a goal in mind and will vary depending on what is required. If that is not the case time and money can be wasted without upgrades which compliment each other in mind.
We refer to this area of tuning up a car as the Performance Triangle. Early car performance was all about the engine, slowly technologies matured and other areas of development reaped greater rewards- leading to better suspension and aerodynamic design.
While all technologies continue to develop over time, sometimes materials and other discovery's need to happen in order for overall performance as a whole to effectly move on.
A good example of this is tyre/ tire technology needed to be enhanced in order to maximise aerodynamic progress in the 1960's. They simply could not harness all downforce levels being generated and transmitted through the rubber.